Thursday, April 28, 2016

Information On Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery

By Kevin Lee

Bariatric surgery sometimes called weight loss surgery, is a term that refers to a collection of surgical procedures performed with the intention of correcting obesity. In this process, the stomach is reduced by removing a section of it or by using a gastric band. Additionally, the small intestine may be resected or re-routed into a small pouch. When in search of the best and highly qualified professional of bariatric weight loss surgery, it is strongly advisable to consider checking the city of New York out.

Research has indicated that one can lose considerable amount of weight from Bariatric operation. Besides that, patients may benefit by having an improved cardiovascular risk factors, recovery from diabetes, and a 23-40 percent decrease in mortality rates. The old people and those who have very high obesity levels have been found to be affected least by the operation. It takes sevens years or more for small weight reductions to occur.

Not everybody can be classified a suitable candidate for bariatric surgery. The standard recommendation is that the individual must have a minimum BMI value of 40. A BMI value of 35 may be allowed only if the patient also has diabetes and other similar medical conditions coexisting together with obesity. However, no clear consensus has been reached regarding a suitable BMI value for patients that can be deemed suitable for this operation.

Bariatric surgery is composed of several surgical operations that may fall into three key classes. The three categories include several operations like jejunoileal bypass, predominantly malabsorptive procedures, biliopancreatic diversion, vertical banded gastroplasty, predominatly restrictive procedures, and endoluminal sleeve. Other surgical operations in these categories include intragastric baloon, adjustable gastric band, gastric plication, and sleeve gastrectomy.

Immediately one has undergone the procedure, they cannot take any solid foods. Their meals should be exclusively made of liquid diet, which may include diluted fruit juice, gelatin desserts, sugar-free drinks, water, and clear broth among others. The diet must be maintained until it is determined that the stomach has recovered from the procedure. After that, the patient should spend the next two weeks taking a blended or pureed sugar-free diet.

The pureed diet may be composed of soft meats, protein shakes, and products made from diary. During the first few weeks after the surgical procedure is done, one should avoid taking food that contain high amounts of carbohydrates. One should also avoid over-eating because that may lead to one exceeding the full capacity of the stomach, which may lead to nausea and vomiting. There may be some restrictions placed on the diet one can take depending on the type of procedure done to them.

The total amount the operation costs is dependent on various factors. Among these factors are type of operation done, means of payment, hospital and surgical practice, and geographical location among many others. Various operations cost differently. However, 15000 to 27000 US Dollars is the average cost range for most of those operations.

The total amount quoted for the operation includes several smaller costs such as fee for the surgeon, implanted devices, anesthesia, surgical assistant, and day-of-surgery fees among others. Some of the costs that may or may not be included in the total cost are longer-term follow-ups, pre-operation, and post-operation.

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