Friday, June 9, 2017

Elk Antler Pills And Things To Know About Them

By Karen McDonald

The deer antler has its own chemical and medicinal properties and markets have been inspired to come up with products from it. There is a portion of this pharmaceutical industry that uses all sorts of traditional animal based powders, herbs, plants and other materials that have been thought to cure sicknesses. They have been used through history but the objective results were not available until modern times.

For the modern medical establishment much of these were discredited as fake medicines in which superstition and ignorance played large parts. However, elk antler pills are back in fashion because some researchers, doctors and scientist thought it best to revisit items like these. With more advanced ways of studying the chemical ingredients and makeup.

However, Oriental countries have never discontinued their use, and in fact are still improving on the great products made from them. Nowadays these are items found in abundance in the east, and with good justification. Markets here are those that belong to countries like Taiwan or China, Japan and Korea, and people in the west now want these, too.

The main thing that these are useful for is in mitigating arthritis pain with the combination of chemicals for these pills. The velvet elks of Canada and northern America are the most effective sources of the healing combination. Also, the antlers, when ground, turn up a host of things, from glycosaminoglycans, crucial proteins, and collagen.

Many more healthy minerals and vitamins are found. There are things like specific carbs, sulfates, prostaglandins, lipids, antioxidants, and trace minerals like phosphorous, selenium and magnesium, which actually make the product a wonder drug of sorts. It is no surprise that their use through ancient Oriental civilizations have produced much healing.

Pills like these are classified as food or dietary supplements, items for the ambient pharmacy field, which can prevent sickness or protect people especially. This part is different from the mainstream that produces many kinds of meds that help treat diseases and the like. This part of the culture of western medicine is one that responds only when a disease strikes.

Although the west has its own set of traditional herbs and medicines, it has not accessed the many things in nature the way the Orient has. Elk antlers are leading the charge in Canada, while all other things are being supplied markets in countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. These process things from seaweed, to rare animal genitals and psychotropic plants for consumers.

All over the world, natural items connected to health or wellness or curing sickness are those eagerly sought by medical experts in the Orient. The Canadian elks are those with great sunshine, great forage, and perhaps the best tended seasons for growing or mating. The products thus made are rich in needed materials, and antlers are only taken after shedding.

The harvesting is a very humane thing, and the farmers involved do not hack antlers off or in any way harm any animal in the herds. This is good and green management that preserves or conserves a specie while getting the most useful product from it. It also makes for more affordable supplements which all help provide wellness and health.

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