Monday, January 27, 2014

The Basic Weight Loss Plan

4 main aspects to weight loss and achieving as well as maintaining a healthy, fit body are:

1 . Nutrition (eating habits, how often you eat, and how much you eat);

2 . Cardiovascular Training (Working out the main muscle of the body - heart - and burning calories as well. Ex: walking, running, swimming, ... things that make you sweat);

3 . Resistance Training (Weight training with free weights, machines, resistance bands, exercise balls etc. - Anything that make your muscles resist).

4 . Accountability and Motivation. The lack of those 2 things is the number one reason most people fail in achieving their weight loss and fitness goals. They fail to make it a lifestyle.

Whether you try it for yourself or not, you must apply the most up to date nutrition, cardiovascular training and resistance training information available to you.


Nutrition is extremely important for your weight loss and appearance. Some people estimate that as much as 80% of your lost weight and fitness results are based on what you eat. Hence, what you eat is more important than working out.

The word "diet" has a lot of negative associations for most people. Nutrition is a subject that we spend our entire lives studying and reading volumes of books to explore it. What I want to do is to teach you how to eat in a healthy way that encourages your body to lose weight rather than store it.

A healthy nutrition needs to be well rounded with the proper amount of vitamins, nutrients and important minerals. The RDA's recommendation for daily intake of those things is a good place to check how much you need to lose weight fast and safe.

The very first thing that you need to know about nutrition is that eating small meals every 3 hours will increase your metabolism and weight loss and reduce fat storage. This is a proven fact that bodybuilders, models, athletes and lean people in general abide by - and so should you.

Eating right when you wake up is most important for breaking the fast your body enters every night. About a couple of hours after you eat your body shuts down your metabolism and acts as if it needs to store food. This is a great function to have if there is a shortage of food and you don't see it for weeks. After all, if there's famine you're going to want your body to work "efficiently" by storing fat, and using it as slow as possible.

But you don't want your body to store fat and burn it slowly now, right? Since there isn't food shortage at the moment (and hopefully wont be one any time soon) then it is very annoying when your body starts packing on the pounds instead of continuing weight loss process. So, in order to let your body "know" that it is healthy, well fed, and not in need of extra fat storage, you are required to reprogram your metabolism. Best way to do this is to start your day off with a small meal and continue to eat small meals every 3 hours or so.

What should you eat? Here I am just going to post few general guidelines - since otherwise we would have to sit down together to create an exact fat burning meal plan for your body. These suggestions are a very basic guideline to healthy meals that do not promote fat storage but promoted weight loss:

Protein: 35%

Fat: 25%

Carbs: 40%

Each time you eat you have to eat foods contain calories coming from protein, carbohydrates and fat. Your body needs each of these in small amounts throughout the day - when you eat a meal that is 90% carbohydrate 5% fat and 5% protein your body is going to digest it so much faster and get hungry quickly, even if the calorie count is the same as a meal with above percentages, and you are more likely to store a percentage of the carbs as fat. BUT.

Don't go and cut all the carbs out of your meals just yet. We all saw what the low carb craze did in North America. People did not lose weight. They actually got fatter! Cutting carbs could cause a whole new problems and your body might once again go into fat storage mode. And we don't want that, right?

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